Monday, April 7, 2008




Just say no to Tuk-Tuks.

I should have read the guide book more carefully. We decided to get in one of the tuk-tuks and the driver took us around to several temples, but also wanted to take us shopping. We didn't buy anything (although I had to talk Mark out of several suits at a tailors that they dropped us off at) and after wasting an hour (is any time shopping a waste?) we got off of his tuk-tuk and walked around on our own. We did get to see a lot, but felt frustrated later when we realized that we wasted a little bit of our precious time.

It's interesting - it's almost like most of the locals were helping the tuk-tuk driver. One person convinced us it was a special holiday where the tuk-tuk drivers were operating with very low rates. They tried to tell us that the stores that they took us to were tax free - just today! That's where I started feeling weird. He explained to us as he tried to take us to another shop that he gets gas coupons for taking us places.

There's lots to learn about the ways of life in Bangkok!
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Anonymous said...

I love you. I'll draw you a picture when you get home.

Love, Max to Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

I couldn't remember my password so now John has a Google account so we can write messages to you.

Have a good time,
Love, MOM

Max says "You mean Ammie".

Angela said...

Max, I can't wait to see your picture! Maybe when we talk through Skype I you can show me some of the pictures you've been drawing. I also want to see the mobile you made! Love, MOM